Saturday, 3 March 2012

Today... Kathmandu Nepal!


1) exhaustion after last 2 weeks travelling in India
2) recovery from a 6 day nasty episode of Traveller's... (cough) 'Tummy'.  Ok just try to spell 'diaharrah'  for heaven sake!  Then admitted defeat and took the 4 day prescribed course of antibiotics, FYI  effective within 24 hours!
3) and freezing cold anywhere but wrapped in 2 quilts and my sleeping bag by 7 pm at night!  I am on the edge of buying a wool toque and mitts.... but I'm going to be in Thailand 90 degree heat in 2.5 weeks!  CAN I tough it out?

Impressions of Nepal:   This is where 'New Age' originated I am SURE, so interesting to be here and feel Old Age Spiritualism... the prayers, chanting, humming, singing, music, red and gold Buddist robes... It has a strong sense of peace and kindness.  Lovely. 

Gone are the days of Indian Men stares, constant Madam, Madam.... buy (everything) please!  beggers crying and reaching out, Indian Men peeing, well pretty much everywhere, and overall total chaos in the cities.  Gone too, the wonderful kindnesses at the most unexpected times, eg lugging 40 lbs up a steep stairway (railway stations) and have a beautifully sari dressed lady, complete with little heels grab hold of the back to heft it up with me! Riding 'coach class' and a peasant family with not one word of English, share their meal.  Being rescued in the middle of a mob in Varansi by a young guy and his friend.  Spending hours with M.M. a young Indian lawyer discussing culture, astrology, religion, the law, and education.  Being (overly) protected on my very first solo train trip - on the platform, woman asking if I needed help, checking my ticket and confirming I am 'ok'. the guys in next berth offering me some of their dinner, and the 'conductor' constantly making sure I had everything possible for my comfort. Yes the positives outweigh the negatives, and as usual my own attitude and barriers are responsible for 90% of the negatives!

So, Nepal! Here we are with a whole different set of challenges and rewards!

* The power is out approximately 50% of the time; water is unavailable occasionally from 30" - 4 hours (I think), and both internet and wifi is undependable, there is no heat in the rooms burrr....

* frustration and grief with my left hip physical limitations - I cannot even go for a walk up a hill never mind on a 2 - 5 day trek.  Thanks to Belle the actual pain and discomfort is minimal if I don't overdo stairs or walking.  It's humbling to accept this in Nepal of all places, the hiker in me is in shock

* turning this around somewhat by thinking .." this is a temporary situation, I am no different than anyone else, so deal with it|? I have arms and legs, I have resourses and I will get better.  I promise myself I will come back to Nepal for a long trek in world famous mountains....  so there! " Ok in all honesty, the 'deal with it' part is not working, acceptance is not one of my easy virtues!

* there are two main treasures Nepal offers me:  Trekking and Spirituality.  One is out and my gift today is to look around and embrace the other.  I am now showing up and paying attention!

The following is Rated 'Only For Those Who Are Interested In (Sherry's) Personal Growth and Spirituality': 

*SMD School - Today I met Tsewang Diki, the 14 year old Grade 7 girl I am sponsoring!  I was upstairs in the office and Chaynga (see below) paged  her.  Within a minute she comes puffing into the office with flushed face she had sprinted down the hall to meet me!   We have a 'Date' on Saturday March 17, we'll go  shopping and out for lunch.   I had a tour of the school yesterday and today met the Vice Principle and Chaynga, a student who is currently working with Shirley (the Director) in the office. He is so excited as he will be studying in Red Deer this Fall for Grade 11 and 12, then on to university. I start working the the kids tomorrow :) :)  warm, cozy and yummy thoughts and feelings! 

*Note:  being around the school makes me miss Braden and Isaiah SO much!  Thank God they have the home and family, the food, the clothing and advantages kids here cannot take for granted.
* The children at the school/orphanage are so well taken care of, loved and fed but only because of SMD. It is not 'normal' for these kids to recieve an education, they are from the 'lowest caste'.

My Itinerary here in Nepal:

* Volunteer SMD School:   March 5 - 8; March 16 - 22

* Bhakapur - Trangu Kha Cho Ling (Buddist) Retreat:  March 9 - 12

* Namo Buddha - Guesthouse Trangu Tashi Yortse Monestary  March 13 - 15

* Depart to Bangkok, Thailand to meet my guy JIM - March 22!!!!!


  1. answer to #2 above-DIARRHEA-love your misspelling honesty.BTW I had to look it up :-))
    see you in Bangkok

  2. Sherry, I just can't tell how much your stories take me back to my love affair with India and Nepal. I can feel, smell, see all you describe with huge nostalgia. We had some very wild train and bus experiences there, and I don't miss the madam, madam one bit. Can;t wait to read more, and of course see all the photos when you get back!

