Monday, 12 December 2011

(More) Stories from the Bali Road

Dharma:   'do I have a death wish?',  Once again he's transporting me - this time from
Ubud to Tejakula.  He showed up with a frangapangi flower tucked behind his ear, smilin'
 and smellin' (just like a flower) and was a reformed man.  Dharma drove as slowly as a Richmond resident on a Saturday afternoon on #3 Road (Richmond Centre). He apologized to me for the 'crazy driving' on Saturday when Sandra and I hired him for the trip back to Ubud.  Then proceeded to ask me an awful lot of personal questions:   Did I miss Sandra? Was I married? Did I have children? (I stressed my daughter and 2 GRANDSONS), How old was I?  (REALLY old) Did I have a boyfriend? Where was he?......  I asked back: so what is your WIFE's name?  how long have you been married....! It was a long drive over the mountain!


No I am NOT becoming a yoga/spa resort groupie. NO, NO, NOOOO!  
Maybe I have just a little backpacker shame.  Have I lost my edge? Become a softie?
India will tell the true story!

Snokelling off the Beach Resort:  I'm the only one in warm green waters.  Yawn. 
same old, same old.  yellow and black striped fish, the purple with yellow eyeliner and green-
touched fin guys, oh! there is my fav, the boring grey fish perfectly outlined in florescent
blue/green; then some colorful coral. I think this is a pretty nice way to wake up to the day.
Suddenly, barely in my perithial vision a large movement to my left. my heartrate increases
rapidly.  'Flight or fight' adrenaline and my nasty (hidden)  companion 
'Fear and Insecurity' hits my brain. What AM I doing wayyyy out here all by myself???? My
relaxed, comfortable state of mind and body is suddenly a distant memory.   Then 'IT' rapidly
comes into view, swimming just below me:  a gorgeous very large turtle!!! Deep red back,
greenish sides and fins!  He acts as if I am not even there, gently swimming beside me, then
rising up to the surface for a breath of air.  I am thrilled.  All common sense flees and as he
picks up speed  I follow him, heading to open waters, into dangerous pounding surf and crashing
reefs fraught with wild hungry sharks, terrible dolphins.....  (yeh, sure!).   My first Bali Turtle sighting. 

Note to self:  Not all yoga instructors are equal.  Giai is a fraction of the costly dwellings Sandra and I
had for 3 days, and yoga classes were extremely good,  but with a fee.   Heard of 'you get
what you pay for'? Well, yoga is free here at Giai. So.  Our guy is very skilled at yoga poses.  He can tie himself in a knot; stand on one leg with the opposite foot tucked into his testicles for 10 minutes while arms are straight up to the ceiling and head back to shoulder blades; followed by the next
impossible pose and breathing exercise:

Inhale at MAX EE MIMM (maximum) for 30 seconds; SUSSS-PEEND for 45 seconds, release slowwwly (yeah right) while also moving from sitting to push up position, then to 'cobra' and to back flip in co-ordination with the breathing (sure thing, toots). 

Finally he moves us into our final position for the 7 am  Yoga for No-One  Class.   Lay-on-your-back pose, a mind control/concentration exercise.   I don't want to brag, but I excel at this position.   He instructs us to close our eyes,  visualize our selves outside our bodies (this actually happened to me as soon as he started the class),  I am now desperate for a cup of coffee.  I am visualizing my body dashing upstairs for a cup  as I lay there.  And lay there. There is only me and one other participant.
We continue to ....lay there. Nothing is happening.  I crack open one eye just a fraction of an eyelash.  Can't see him.  I wait another few minutes, try the other eye.  I see a white clad Yogi in a very still prone position.    Minutes tick by.  It's now wayyyyy  too long to have mine, or anyone's body separated from itself.  The other woman starts to twitch as well.  Finally our eyes met and in silent agreement we sit up.  There in front of us is our fearless leader.   Exhausted after his great yoga work out, sound asleep!!!  We got up, rolled our mats and limped away, leaving  him in dreamland!
Didn't do yoga this morning!

I am surrounded by women.  German and Swiss Women. I've heard a  few very interesting Stories That Women Tell.  Most of them regarding Balinese Men and more specifically Taxi Divers.   However, in spite of some juicy confidential tid bits,  I feel a bit of an 'English only' odd ball - combined with being an obvious 'budget  backpacker' who is not eagerly booking  massages, facials, and other forms of pampering.  Nevertheless,  I find my basic posh needs are met very nicely thank you.  A lovely room with ocean and jungle views; queen sized bed  with a really good mattress (not the sweaty foamy at Gusti's) and linens (the sheet is fitted! and no knobby round things), REAL pillows I can actually lay my head on and snuggle in; mozzie net with no holes, a fan that does not squeek or wobble, an amazing outdoor  Bali Bathroom, my very own fridge,  tea kettle, outside lounge and table, two nice chairs. Free tea, coffee, bottled water,  tropical fruit and afternoon 3 pm goodies: cake and tea'. The place comes with all the sound effects you could possibly want:  24 hour roosters, chickens, twilight frogs,  crickets, geckos.... and other various forms of noisy life!  Oh and I must add
a very interesting frog porn show beside the pond, in the valley, and the streams:  apparently a monthly (full moon) event!!!
There is a free shuttle to the village and the beach.  My current expenses average CND $35/day - room and dinner.  Being the (cheap) smart cookie I am, I brought food for breakfast and lunch for 4 days :)  OK you can bet I am the first one showing up for complimentary cake at 3 pm... !!!  Oh I forgot to mention the salt water swimming pool! Sandra:  please note, it is complete with little Bali
swallows that skim the water constantly! So I think your experience at Gusti's was not likely bats? However that being said it's  a bit disconcerting to have these guys constantly skimming the water all around me. They are hyper little feathered missiles  - the kind that test my nerves.  They LOOK like they have decent flying abilities, but how close can they really swoop by without getting tangled in my hair? 
Shaman Session with Jero Dar
1)  Massage, Chakra check-up, health scan,
2) Meditation
3) Temple Blessing
4) Consultation with Shaman and translator. 
Selective Information (additional details MAY be provided upon request, in person only :)!)
Tejakula Village
Balinese speaking only, interpreter present in person prior to and following the session, and present outside a curtained area during treatment session. 

Environment:  family compound and temple
Initial Consultation: seated at a small wooden table with Shaman and Interpreter.  Served sweetened tea, sipped while chickens and chicks clucked around my feet, dogs roamed through,  and children playing in the yard.  

I asked for some history:
I learned that,  from a very early age, as long as he can remember, he could see non-physical presence as well as physical bodies.   Jero Dar was unaware he was able to see what others could not, and that he had a gift,  Then, as a young man, he became very ill and consulted with a healer.  At the same time he was seeking help, he met another young man  having a  similar experience. They were both advised to return to the temple in Tejakula for prayer, meditation and guidence. Eventually he was advised by a healer of two choices:  become a priest or a healer.  He wanted to work with people directly and  choose to become a healer . 

Prior to my session, a family member brought him several bright green leaves just a bit larger than his hand, which he held in both hands, then brought to his forehead in prayer.
I gave verbal permission for the shaman to physically touch me.  I was advised I needed to take my clothes off.  I thought this meant outer clothes. This was an incorrect assumption.  The 'room' was similar to a 3 -walled patio with curtains pulled on the open end.  A thin mattress was flat on the floor, and the shaman sat in lotus position beside it.  Massage oil base was coconut oil with unidentified flowers and herbs.   He gestured for me to lay down, belly up at first.  Next position was belly down/butt up followed by seated with back to him. Final position was seated, facing him.  At no time did I feel uncomfortable, I intuitively trusted him and he was kind, gentle and as professional as you could expect a non English speaking Balanese Shaman to be!  

First:   A full body massage with strong focus on each specific chakra area. (as described above)
Second:   Meditation (seated, facing each other). 
Third:  Temple Blessing

Dressed in a sarong, my 'payment' was an offering to the temple of R 150,000.  Prior to
entering the temple I sipped water out of his cupped palms 3 times.  The water had various
flower petals, twigs/herbs in it.  The rest of it was splashed over my head and face.

Note:  I need you to work with me here.  Just to be clear:  Did you  notice I've been thoroughly soaked and rubbed - hair included - with a liter of coconut oil.  With herbs. Then I slurp holy water -with twigs, flowers, etc -  not once but THREE times from closed palms, THEN about 2 litres of water - with twigs, flowerc, etc is dumped over.... oily hair.  This is not a lovely vision!!! I guess I shoudl add:  to top it all off, I drank a whole entire glass of water to help me swallow 'something' on my tongue - herbal 'remedy'.   

 Now, I am able to enter the temple for a blessing and on completion, a woven black, red, and white string bracelette is tied on my right wrist.  I am not to deliberately remove it for 6 months.
 The colors represent the Gods of Protection: Shiva, Brahma, Vishnu (as mentioned several blogs ago
  - remember?). 

Last: Consultation with Shaman and Interpreter
First:  a brief overview regarding both my physical and spiritual health, and then I am
invited to ask my questions.... and so I did!  

How about you - any questions???? Smiles to you too!

36 Hours Post-Drinking Holy Water
all morning in the bathroom (no futher details necessary!), all afternoon with ginger tea and water, evening, veggie soup and dry toast!  Hey the next day good as new!

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